The new direction of the development of silicon in the field of automobile application

The new direction of the development of silicon carbide in the field of automobile application
At present, a large number of silicon power semiconductor devices on the market in the market uses a large number of electric power systems for pure electric vehicles. With the growing demand for new energy vehicles, improving system efficiency and increasing power density have become an urgent need for optimizing system design.

However, the performance of traditional silicon power semiconductor devices in many aspects has reached the limit. Silicon silicon has officially become the first choice for breaking the bottleneck of silicon performance. The low -switching loss, high temperature resistance, switching frequency and other performance highlights make it a high performance of automobile high performance The ideal choice. Green silicon carbide devices have higher current density. Under the same power level, the use of silicon carbide device can minimize the volume of the power drive system by 3-5 times, making the system’s power density higher and more compact structure. Under the same battery life, the battery weight and volume of the battery required by the driving system solution of the green carbonide are smaller than the same battery capacity. Under the same battery capacity, the driver system using green silicon can make the battery life of the electric vehicle longer longer. The larger the battery capacity, the more prominent the cost of using silicon carbide. The green silicon is based on petroleum coke and excellent quartz sand as the main raw material. The salt is added as an additive. It is smelted by high temperature of the resistance furnace. The intensity is higher than corundum.

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