The future development space of silicon carbide

The future development space of silicon carbide
Silicon carbide has a very broad application field, and it is widely used in abrasives, chemical industry, metallurgy, ceramics and other fields. The particle size requirements for silicon carbide are different in different fields, which requires a series of processes such as crushing, acid and alkali washing, magnetic separation and screening or water separation to make products of various particle sizes to meet the requirements. demand in various fields.

As silicon carbide becomes more and more widely used, it has become an engineering processing material in the solar photovoltaic industry, semiconductor industry, and piezoelectric crystal industry. With the increasing depletion of traditional mineral energy, the photovoltaic industry represented by solar cells has developed rapidly. Silicon carbide is a special material used in the production process of crystalline silicon wafers, an upstream link in the photovoltaic industry chain. Driven by the development of the photovoltaic industry, the silicon carbide industry has brought some opportunities through product structure upgrades and the expansion of downstream demand. With the continuous innovation of sand making machine equipment technology, silicon carbide itself has a wider range of uses, which has further strengthened the development of new uses and new application markets for silicon carbide. However, the application of silicon carbide and the development of sand making machines promote each other. The wider and wider uses of silicon carbide will require the continuous improvement of the technical performance of its production equipment sand making machines.

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