Green silicon carbide sic carborundum F400

Green silicon carbide sic carborundum F400


What is green silicon carbide

Green Silicon carbide can also be called green SiC.According to the shape, there are silicon carbide grit and silicon carbide powder.

Green Silicon Carbide W28 for steel microspheres Grinding

Silicon carbide products manufacturing process:

Silicon carbide is made of quartz sand, petroleum coke (or coal char), sawdust and other raw materials  put it into an resitance furnace, heat it to a high temperature of about 2000 °C, and obtain silicon carbide after various chemical processes. To green silicon carbide, add salt.

 green silicon carbide specifications





98.5 min

0.2 max

0.6 max

green silicon carbide properties

·  Extremely high hardness

·  Wear resistant

·  Corrosion resistant

·  Lightweight – Low Density

·  High thermal conductivity

·  Low thermal expansion coefficient

·  Chemically and temperature resistant

·  Outstanding thermal shock resistance

green silicon carbide applications

What is silicon carbide used for? Silicon carbide has its own advantages and characteristics. So it is used in various industries.

·  As an abrasive, it can be used as a grinding tool, such as grinding wheel, oil stone, grinding head, sand tile, etc.

·  As a metallurgical deoxidizer and high temperature resistant material.

·  High-purity single crystals can be used to make semiconductors and silicon carbide fibers.

·  Can be used as a deoxidizer for steel making and a modifier for cast iron construction.

 green silicon carbide manufacturers and suppliers

Green Silicon Carbide W28 for steel microspheres GrindingGreen Silicon Carbide W28 for steel microspheres GrindingGreen Silicon Carbide W28 for steel microspheres GrindingGreen Silicon Carbide W28 for steel microspheres GrindingGreen Silicon Carbide W28 for steel microspheres Grinding


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