Applications in Silicon Carbide Iron Casting Plants

Silicon carbide is widely used as a filling material in kilns. Because it resists slag erosion, it can be used as slag line bricks for aluminum smelting furnaces and blast furnaces. Because when it is melted in the presence of slag, carbon and hydrogen atoms and silicon hydrogen atoms will become charged ions (C-4 and Si +4) and be released, so it is another kind of iron that is widely used in ironmaking. effective deoxidizer. When it is added back to gray iron, or malleable stainless steel, it not only melts easily, but also allows carbon and silicon to alloy into the tube wall. When the ambient temperature is lower than 1620°C, its carbon will act as a deoxidizer, thereby reducing unstable hydrolysates such as FeO and MnO through the reaction of SiC+FeO=Si+Fe+CO. . When the ambient temperature is higher than 1620°C (such as when making iron), silicon will take on all deoxidation tasks, while carbon will act as a promoter of carburizing agent, and its yield can reach 100%. Coreless induction beneficiation of iron is the main application field of silicon carbide. In the United States, about 95% of coreless lithium bromide uses SiC as the main silicon source. In all aspects of gray iron, Yao Xuejia and malleable stainless steel, SiC is used to reduce the concentration of FeO and MnO in the slag through the reaction of SiC+FeO=Si+Fe+CO.

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