Application of Green Silicon Carbide in Power Electronic Devices

Green silicon carbide is a kind of semiconductor material, so it is widely used in power electronic devices. It not only reduces the loss of electric energy, but also exerts its own advantages and overcomes many environmental problems.
Green silicon carbide power electronic devices will play a greater advantage in improving the efficiency of electric energy utilization and realizing the miniaturization of power electronic devices. Compared with silicon devices, green silicon carbide silicon devices have advantages in reducing on-resistance and reverse switching losses.
For example, in an inverter circuit composed of diodes and switching tubes, only changing the diode material from silicon to green silicon carbide can reduce the power loss of the inverter by about 15-30%. If the switching tube material is also replaced with SiC, Then the power loss can be reduced by more than half. Power electronic devices made of green silicon carbide have three features that enable power converters to be miniaturized. Higher switching speed, reduced loss and higher operating temperature.

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